
Polylino is a multilingual digital library app designed for children and young adults, providing access to a wide range of picture and text books in various text and audio languages.

International Audience

Polylino is offered internationally under several trademarks - Polylino, Polyglutt, Lukulumo and Sondo.

Multilingual Library

Polylino offers a large collection of books in multiple languages, supporting multilingualism and language learning for children.
Polyglutt iPhone

Narrated Stories

Most books include audio narration, allowing children to listen to the stories being read aloud. This feature is particularly useful for language learners and pre-readers.
Polylino iPhone


Polylino is designed to be an educational resource for schools and families, promoting literacy and language development through engaging stories.
Polylino iPad
Mother of 2

“Great when learning to read! Our daughter loves being able to choose a book herself, and also whether she wants to read it on her own or have it read to her!”

— Mother of Polyglutt User

Word Enthusiast

“Mostly thinly veiled leftist propaganda by female authors. In line with the usual message pushed to kids in Swedish schools.”

— Concerned Internet Troll