Sveriges Rikes Lag

This app is the digital version of the annually published Swedish legal compendium "Sveriges Rikes Lag." It provides comprehensive access to Swedish laws and statutes, mirroring the content of the physical book for the current year.

Pocket Sized

While the tree-based version of the law book weighs over 3 kilograms, the digital version is less than 150 MB and fits in your pocket.
Sveriges Rikes Lag iPhone

Same Content

The app includes the same content as the printed version, ensuring that you have access to up-to-date legal texts.
Sveriges Rikes Lag iPhone

Offline Access

Once downloaded, the app can be used without an internet connection, which is useful for referencing laws in locations without reliable connectivity.
Sveriges Rikes Lag iPhone

Updated Yearly

The app is tied to and included with the annual purchase of the physical book.
Sveriges Rikes Lag iPhone
Product Owner

“Thank you for swift feedback and work on updating the diagrams of the yearly usage statistics. Same procedure next year!”

— Maria, Product Owner


“The app is probably great! But I don't have any access and cannot log in. I don't want to buy the printed version because I think the laws should be free.”

— Poor Law Student